Privacy Policy

Better Life Disability Care ABN: 58 072 422 925 (referred to as “we,” “us,” or “our” in this document) understands the value of privacy and is dedicated to safeguarding the personal data we gather from both our clients and staff (referred to in this document as “you,” or your). The Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the Privacy Act of 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) dictate how we must manage your personal information, and this policy outlines the ways in which we collect, use, disclose, and otherwise handle personal information.

By visiting our website, using any of our services, or otherwise giving it to us (or allowing it to be given to us by someone else), you agree that your personal information will be processed by us in accordance with this privacy statement. You are aware that during the time you are associated with us, your consent will remain in effect. You may withdraw your consent at any time by notifying Better Life Disability Care in writing. You might not be eligible for the services Better Life Disability Care provides to you if you withdraw your consent.

1.1 Goal of the Collection

Your interactions with us as a client or an employee will determine what personal information we gather and keep about you. To make sure that the personal information we gather is true, current, and comprehensive, we will make the efforts that are appropriate under the circumstances.
In general, we will gather, use, and keep your personal information (including sensitive information) for the following purposes:
(a) Streamlining our internal business processes, including meeting any legal requirements.
(b) Identifying and evaluating the need for services
(c) Providing services to you or someone else you know; and
(d) Informing you of services that we, or our related entities and other organizations with which we have affiliations, may offer.

1.2 Information Gathered and Recorded Types

In order to identify you, Better Life Disability Care gathers and stores personal information about its clients and staff, such as your complete name, date of birth, address, photo, and bank information. In addition, if you are a client, we may collect and retain sensitive information about you that is necessary for determining whether to approve you for, or to provide you with, agreed services, but only with your permission, unless otherwise permitted by law. Information concerning your health, racial or ethnic origin, religion, or (only where it is directly relevant to the service being offered) criminal history may be included in the sensitive information that we collect and retain.

1.3 Collection Technique

Typically, we obtain your personal information directly from you by using any of our standard forms, during a consultation in person, online, by email, or over the phone. However, there may be times when it is unreasonable or inconvenient for us to receive your personal information directly from you, in which case we may obtain it through another source (for example, where one of our clients has obtained services from you on your behalf). If this happens, we will make a reasonable effort to let you know beforehand, or if that is not possible, as soon as it is reasonable to do so after your personal information has been obtained.
You must make sure that the person whose information you have given us has been informed of this policy and has given their consent for you to disclose their information to us in cases where we are collecting and/or holding personal and/or sensitive information provided to us by you in order to provide services to someone else.

1.4 Online users

An IP address and a domain name are two more pieces of information about you that we may gather if you visit our website. Links to other websites may be found on our website. Linked websites are not subject to our privacy policies and processes, and we are not liable for their privacy practices.

1.5 Make Use of and Disclose

In general, we only use or share the personal data we have about you for the specified objectives. We will make reasonable efforts to use or disclose personal information that is accurate, current, complete, and pertinent given the circumstances, taking into account the purpose of the use or disclosure.
We might give out personal data about you to:
Your designated next of kin in the event of an emergency involving you; (in the case of a transfer to hospital or other care), any physician, hospital, or service provider involved in the care; and other service providers who help us deliver services to our clients. Our related entities and other organisations with which we have affiliations may provide you with information about our services and various promotions (if you consent to receiving these);
We do not provide personal information to recipients in other countries.

1.6 Security

We maintain personal data in a variety of formats, including paper and electronic. We place a high priority on the security of your personal information. We take reasonable precautions, including electronic and physical security measures, to guarantee that your personal information is stored securely and is protected from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.
Additionally, if we give you in-home care, we might leave your treatment file with Better Life Disability Care, which contains personal data, at your house. In this case, we ask that you certify that you’ll maintain the record safe and secure and that you’ll let us know if anything happens to put its security or safety in jeopardy.

1.7 Access

By sending us a written request, you can seek access to the personal information we have on file for you. Upon receiving a written request, we’ll do our best to:
If it is reasonable and practical to do so, we will
(a) grant you access to the information within a reasonable time after you make the request, and
(b) provide access to the information in the manner you request.
When required by the Privacy Act, we may reject a request for access to personal data.
If you believe the personal information we have about you is incorrect, incomplete, or out-of-date, you should let us know as soon as you have access to your personal information or at any other time. Upon notification, we shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate, complete, relevant, and not misleading, taking into account the reason it is being held.

1.8 Information that is lacking or incorrect

We may be unable to offer you or someone you know the services you or they need if the personal or sensitive information we need in order to deliver services to you is not provided, is insufficient, or is erroneous.

1.9 Changing the Policy

Please check it frequently for updates as we may make changes to our privacy policy. If we make significant changes to this privacy statement, we’ll send you an email or post a notice on the “Home” page of this website to let you know. Once you have been informed of the updates and continue to use our website or services or give us new personal information, you are deemed to have accepted the updated privacy policy.

1.10 Feedback

Our privacy officer can be reached at 1800 Better Life Disability Care (1300 743 629), If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or how we handle your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
All complaints and their resolutions are documented in an electronic system that allows us to track our correspondence with you. Our internal business procedures specify who is responsible and when complaints must be resolved. The individual closing out the complaint secures the information and maintains the confidentiality of all documented records related to the complaint.

1.11 Additional Details

Customers can visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website at for further information regarding privacy in general.

1.12 Legislation and standards that apply:

The 2012 Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act amends the Privacy Act 1988 (Cwth)